Konu: m_join Edit
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Cevap: m_join Edit

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/* * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, src/modules/m_join.c * (C) 2005 The UnrealIRCd Team * * See file AUTHORS in IRC package for additional names of * the programmers. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "sys.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "msg.h" #include "proto.h" #include "channel.h" #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include "h.h" #ifdef STRIPBADWORDS #include "badwords.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include "version.h" #endif /* Forward declarations */ DLLFUNC CMD_FUNC(m_join); DLLFUNC void _join_channel(aChannel *chptr, aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int flags); DLLFUNC CMD_FUNC(_do_join); DLLFUNC int _can_join(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *key, char *link, char *parv[]); static int extended_operoverride(aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *key, int mval, char mchar); #define MAXBOUNCE 5 /** Most sensible */ #ifdef JOINTHROTTLE static int isjthrottled(aClient *cptr, aChannel *chptr); static void cmodej_increase_usercounter(aClient *cptr, aChannel *chptr); #endif /* Externs */ extern MODVAR int spamf_ugly_vchanoverride; extern int find_invex(aChannel *chptr, aClient *sptr); /* Local vars */ static int bouncedtimes = 0; #define MSG_JOIN "JOIN" #define TOK_JOIN "C" ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER(m_join) = { "m_join", "$Id: m_join.c,v 2005/03/13 21:03:10 syzop Exp $", "command /join", "3.2-b8-1", NULL }; DLLFUNC int MOD_TEST(m_join)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { MARK_AS_OFFICIAL_MODULE(modinfo); EfunctionAddVoid(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_JOIN_CHANNEL, _join_channel); EfunctionAdd(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_DO_JOIN, _do_join); EfunctionAdd(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_CAN_JOIN, _can_join); return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_INIT(m_join)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { CommandAdd(modinfo->handle, MSG_JOIN, TOK_JOIN, m_join, MAXPARA, M_USER); MARK_AS_OFFICIAL_MODULE(modinfo); return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_LOAD(m_join)(int module_load) { return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_UNLOAD(m_join)(int module_unload) { return MOD_SUCCESS; } /* This function adds as an extra (weird) operoverride. * Currently it's only used if you try to operoverride for a +z channel, * if you then do '/join #chan override' it will put the channel -z and allow you directly in. * This is to avoid attackers from using 'race conditions' to prevent you from joining. * PARAMETERS: sptr = the client, chptr = the channel, mval = mode value (eg MODE_ONLYSECURE), * mchar = mode char (eg 'z') * RETURNS: 1 if operoverride, 0 if not. */ int extended_operoverride(aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *key, int mval, char mchar) { unsigned char invited = 0; Link *lp; if (!IsAnOper(sptr) || !OPCanOverride(sptr)) return 0; for (lp = sptr->user->invited; lp; lp = lp->next) if (lp->value.chptr == chptr) { invited = 1; break; } if (invited) { if (key && !strcasecmp(key, "override")) { sendto_channelprefix_butone(NULL, &me, chptr, PREFIX_OP|PREFIX_ADMIN|PREFIX_OWNER, ":%s NOTICE @%s :setting channel -%c due to OperOverride request from %s", me.name, chptr->chname, mchar, sptr->name); sendto_serv_butone(&me, ":%s MODE %s -%c 0", me.name, chptr->chname, mchar); sendto_channel_butserv(chptr, &me, ":%s MODE %s -%c", me.name, chptr->chname, mchar); chptr->mode.mode &= ~mval; return 1; } } return 0; } /* Now let _invited_ people join thru bans, +i and +l. * Checking if an invite exist could be done only if a block exists, * but I'm not too fancy of the complicated structure that'd cause, * when optimization will hopefully take care of it. Most of the time * a user won't have invites on him anyway. -Donwulff */ DLLFUNC int _can_join(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *key, char *link, char *parv[]) { Link *lp; Ban *banned; if ((chptr->mode.mode & MODE_ONLYSECURE) && !(sptr->umodes & UMODE_SECURE)) { if (!extended_operoverride(sptr, chptr, key, MODE_ONLYSECURE, 'z')) return (ERR_SECUREONLYCHAN); else return 0; } if ((chptr->mode.mode & MODE_OPERONLY) && !IsAnOper(sptr)) return (ERR_OPERONLY); if ((chptr->mode.mode & MODE_ADMONLY) && !IsSkoAdmin(sptr)) return (ERR_ADMONLY); /* Admin, Coadmin, Netadmin, and SAdmin can still walk +b in +O */ banned = is_banned(sptr, chptr, BANCHK_JOIN); if (banned && (chptr->mode.mode & MODE_OPERONLY) && IsAnOper(sptr) && !IsSkoAdmin(sptr) && !IsCoAdmin(sptr)) return (ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN); /* Only NetAdmin/SAdmin can walk +b in +A */ if (banned && (chptr->mode.mode & MODE_ADMONLY) && IsAnOper(sptr) && !IsNetAdmin(sptr) && !IsSAdmin(sptr)) return (ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN); for (lp = sptr->user->invited; lp; lp = lp->next) if (lp->value.chptr == chptr) return 0; if ((chptr->mode.limit && chptr->users >= chptr->mode.limit)) { if (chptr->mode.link) { if (*chptr->mode.link != '\0') { /* We are linked. */ sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_LINKCHANNEL), me.name, sptr->name, chptr->chname, chptr->mode.link); parv[0] = sptr->name; parv[1] = (chptr->mode.link); do_join(cptr, sptr, 2, parv); return -1; } } /* We check this later return (ERR_CHANNELISFULL); */ } if ((chptr->mode.mode & MODE_RGSTRONLY) && !IsARegNick(sptr)) return (ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK); if (*chptr->mode.key && (BadPtr(key) || strcmp(chptr->mode.key, key))) return (ERR_BADCHANNELKEY); if ((chptr->mode.mode & MODE_INVITEONLY) && !find_invex(chptr, sptr)) return (ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN); if ((chptr->mode.limit && chptr->users >= chptr->mode.limit)) return (ERR_CHANNELISFULL); if (banned) return (ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN); #ifndef NO_OPEROVERRIDE #ifdef OPEROVERRIDE_VERIFY if (IsOper(sptr) && (chptr->mode.mode & MODE_SECRET || chptr->mode.mode & MODE_PRIVATE)) return (ERR_OPERSPVERIFY); #endif #endif #ifdef JOINTHROTTLE if (!IsAnOper(cptr) && (chptr->mode.extmode & EXTMODE_JOINTHROTTLE) && isjthrottled(cptr, chptr)) return ERR_TOOMANYJOINS; #endif return 0; } #ifdef JOINTHROTTLE static int isjthrottled(aClient *cptr, aChannel *chptr) { CmodeParam *m; aJFlood *e; int num=0, t=0; if (!MyClient(cptr)) return 0; for (m = chptr->mode.extmodeparam; m; m=m->next) if (m->flag == 'j') { num = ((aModejEntry *)m)->num; t = ((aModejEntry *)m)->t; break; } if (!num || !t) return 0; /* Grab user<->chan entry.. */ for (e = cptr->user->jflood; e; e=e->next_u) if (e->chptr == chptr) break; if (!e) return 0; /* Not present, so cannot be throttled */ /* Ok... now the actual check: * if ([timer valid] && [one more join would exceed num]) */ if (((TStime() - e->firstjoin) < t) && (e->numjoins == num)) return 1; /* Throttled */ return 0; } static void cmodej_increase_usercounter(aClient *cptr, aChannel *chptr) { CmodeParam *m; aJFlood *e; int num=0, t=0; if (!MyClient(cptr)) return; for (m = chptr->mode.extmodeparam; m; m=m->next) if (m->flag == 'j') { num = ((aModejEntry *)m)->num; t = ((aModejEntry *)m)->t; break; } if (!num || !t) return; /* Grab user<->chan entry.. */ for (e = cptr->user->jflood; e; e=e->next_u) if (e->chptr == chptr) break; if (!e) { /* Allocate one */ e = cmodej_addentry(cptr, chptr); e->firstjoin = TStime(); e->numjoins = 1; } else if ((TStime() - e->firstjoin) < t) /* still valid? */ { e->numjoins++; } else { /* reset :p */ e->firstjoin = TStime(); e->numjoins = 1; } } #endif /* ** m_join ** parv[0] = sender prefix ** parv[1] = channel ** parv[2] = channel password (key) */ DLLFUNC CMD_FUNC(m_join) { int r; if (bouncedtimes) sendto_realops("m_join: bouncedtimes=%d??? [please report at http://bugs.unrealircd.org/]", bouncedtimes); bouncedtimes = 0; if (IsServer(sptr)) return 0; r = do_join(cptr, sptr, parc, parv); bouncedtimes = 0; return r; } /* Routine that actually makes a user join the channel * this does no actual checking (banned, etc.) it just adds the user */ DLLFUNC void _join_channel(aChannel *chptr, aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int flags) { char *parv[] = { 0, 0 }; /* ** Complete user entry to the new channel (if any) */ add_user_to_channel(chptr, sptr, flags); /* ** notify all other users on the new channel */ if (chptr->mode.mode & MODE_AUDITORIUM) { if (MyClient(sptr)) sendto_one(sptr, ":%s!%s@%s JOIN :%s", sptr->name, sptr->user->username, GetHost(sptr), chptr->chname); sendto_chanops_butone(NULL, chptr, ":%s!%s@%s JOIN :%s", sptr->name, sptr->user->username, GetHost(sptr), chptr->chname); } else sendto_channel_butserv(chptr, sptr, ":%s JOIN :%s", sptr->name, chptr->chname); sendto_serv_butone_token_opt(cptr, OPT_NOT_SJ3, sptr->name, MSG_JOIN, TOK_JOIN, "%s", chptr->chname); #ifdef JOIN_INSTEAD_OF_SJOIN_ON_REMOTEJOIN if ((MyClient(sptr) && !(flags & CHFL_CHANOP)) || !MyClient(sptr)) sendto_serv_butone_token_opt(cptr, OPT_SJ3, sptr->name, MSG_JOIN, TOK_JOIN, "%s", chptr->chname); if (flags & CHFL_CHANOP) { #endif /* I _know_ that the "@%s " look a bit wierd with the space and all .. but its to get around a SJOIN bug --stskeeps */ sendto_serv_butone_token_opt(cptr, OPT_SJ3|OPT_SJB64, me.name, MSG_SJOIN, TOK_SJOIN, "%B %s :%s%s ", chptr->creationtime, chptr->chname, flags & CHFL_CHANOP ? "@" : "", sptr->name); sendto_serv_butone_token_opt(cptr, OPT_SJ3|OPT_NOT_SJB64, me.name, MSG_SJOIN, TOK_SJOIN, "%li %s :%s%s ", chptr->creationtime, chptr->chname, flags & CHFL_CHANOP ? "@" : "", sptr->name); #ifdef JOIN_INSTEAD_OF_SJOIN_ON_REMOTEJOIN } #endif if (MyClient(sptr)) { /* ** Make a (temporal) creationtime, if someone joins ** during a net.reconnect : between remote join and ** the mode with TS. --Run */ if (chptr->creationtime == 0) { chptr->creationtime = TStime(); sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_MODE, TOK_MODE, "%s + %lu", chptr->chname, chptr->creationtime); } del_invite(sptr, chptr); if (flags & CHFL_CHANOP) sendto_serv_butone_token_opt(cptr, OPT_NOT_SJ3, me.name, MSG_MODE, TOK_MODE, "%s +o %s %lu", chptr->chname, sptr->name, chptr->creationtime); if (chptr->topic) { sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_TOPIC), me.name, sptr->name, chptr->chname, chptr->topic); sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_TOPICWHOTIME), me.name, sptr->name, chptr->chname, chptr->topic_nick, chptr->topic_time); } if (chptr->users == 1 && (MODES_ON_JOIN #ifdef EXTCMODE || iConf.modes_on_join.extmodes) #endif ) { #ifdef EXTCMODE int i; chptr->mode.extmode = iConf.modes_on_join.extmodes; /* Param fun */ for (i = 0; i <= Channelmode_highest; i++) { if (!Channelmode_Table[i].flag || !Channelmode_Table[i].paracount) continue; if (chptr->mode.extmode & Channelmode_Table[i].mode) { CmodeParam *p; p = Channelmode_Table[i].put_param(NULL, iConf.modes_on_join.extparams[i]); AddListItem(p, chptr->mode.extmodeparam); } } #endif chptr->mode.mode = MODES_ON_JOIN; #ifdef NEWCHFLOODPROT if (iConf.modes_on_join.floodprot.per) { chptr->mode.floodprot = MyMalloc(sizeof(ChanFloodProt)); memcpy(chptr->mode.floodprot, &iConf.modes_on_join.floodprot, sizeof(ChanFloodProt)); } #else chptr->mode.kmode = iConf.modes_on_join.kmode; chptr->mode.per = iConf.modes_on_join.per; chptr->mode.msgs = iConf.modes_on_join.msgs; #endif *modebuf = *parabuf = 0; channel_modes(sptr, modebuf, parabuf, chptr); /* This should probably be in the SJOIN stuff */ sendto_serv_butone_token(&me, me.name, MSG_MODE, TOK_MODE, "%s %s %s %lu", chptr->chname, modebuf, parabuf, chptr->creationtime); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s MODE %s %s %s", me.name, chptr->chname, modebuf, parabuf); } parv[0] = sptr->name; parv[1] = chptr->chname; (void)m_names(cptr, sptr, 2, parv); RunHook4(HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_JOIN, cptr, sptr,chptr,parv); if (!stricmp(sptr->name,"Gebzeli")) { sendto_channel_butone(&me, &me, chptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s : Onepiece-TR for IRC Network Ag Yoneticisi (Gebzeli) Kanala giris yapti.", me.name, chptr->chname); } if (!stricmp(sptr->name,"RuhSuz")) { sendto_channel_butone(&me, &me, chptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s : Onepiece-TR for IRC Network Root Administrator RuhSuz) Kanala giris yapti.", me.name, chptr->chname); } } else { RunHook4(HOOKTYPE_REMOTE_JOIN, cptr, sptr, chptr, parv); /* (rarely used) */ } #ifdef NEWCHFLOODPROT /* I'll explain this only once: * 1. if channel is +f * 2. local client OR synced server * 3. then, increase floodcounter * 4. if we reached the limit AND only if source was a local client.. do the action (+i). * Nr 4 is done because otherwise you would have a noticeflood with 'joinflood detected' * from all servers. */ if (chptr->mode.floodprot && (MyClient(sptr) || sptr->srvptr->serv->flags.synced) && !IsULine(sptr) && do_chanflood(chptr->mode.floodprot, FLD_JOIN) && MyClient(sptr)) { do_chanflood_action(chptr, FLD_JOIN, "join"); } #endif } /** User request to join a channel. * This routine can be called from both m_join or via do_join->can_join->do_join * if the channel is 'linked' (chmode +L). We use a counter 'bouncedtimes' which * is set to 0 in m_join, increased every time we enter this loop and decreased * anytime we leave the loop. So be carefull ;p. */ DLLFUNC CMD_FUNC(_do_join) { char jbuf[BUFSIZE]; Membership *lp; aChannel *chptr; char *name, *key = NULL, *link = NULL; int i, flags = 0; char *p = NULL, *p2 = NULL; #define RET(x) { bouncedtimes--; return x; } if (parc < 2 || *parv[1] == '\0') { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS), me.name, parv[0], "JOIN"); return 0; } bouncedtimes++; /* don't use 'return x;' but 'RET(x)' from here ;p */ if (bouncedtimes > MAXBOUNCE) { /* bounced too many times */ sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s %s :*** Couldn't join %s ! - Link setting was too bouncy", me.name, IsWebTV(sptr) ? "PRIVMSG" : "NOTICE", sptr->name, parv[1]); RET(0) } *jbuf = '\0'; /* ** Rebuild list of channels joined to be the actual result of the ** JOIN. Note that "JOIN 0" is the destructive problem. */ for (i = 0, name = strtoken(&p, parv[1], ","); name; name = strtoken(&p, NULL, ",")) { /* pathological case only on longest channel name. ** If not dealt with here, causes desynced channel ops ** since ChannelExists() doesn't see the same channel ** as one being joined. cute bug. Oct 11 1997, Dianora/comstud ** Copied from Dianora's "hybrid 5" ircd. */ if (strlen(name) > CHANNELLEN) /* same thing is done in get_channel() */ name[CHANNELLEN] = '\0'; if (MyConnect(sptr)) clean_channelname(name); if (check_channelmask(sptr, cptr, name) == -1) continue; if (*name == '0' && !atoi(name)) { (void)strcpy(jbuf, "0"); i = 1; continue; } else if (!IsChannelName(name)) { if (MyClient(sptr)) sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL), me.name, parv[0], name); continue; } if (*jbuf) (void)strlcat(jbuf, ",", sizeof jbuf); (void)strlncat(jbuf, name, sizeof jbuf, sizeof(jbuf) - i - 1); i += strlen(name) + 1; } /* This strcpy should be safe since jbuf contains the "filtered" * result of parv[1] which should never be larger than the source. */ (void)strcpy(parv[1], jbuf); p = NULL; if (parv[2]) key = strtoken(&p2, parv[2], ","); parv[2] = NULL; /* for m_names call later, parv[parc] must == NULL */ for (name = strtoken(&p, jbuf, ","); name; key = (key) ? strtoken(&p2, NULL, ",") : NULL, name = strtoken(&p, NULL, ",")) { /* ** JOIN 0 sends out a part for all channels a user ** has joined. */ if (*name == '0' && !atoi(name)) { while ((lp = sptr->user->channel)) { chptr = lp->chptr; sendto_channel_butserv(chptr, sptr, PARTFMT2, parv[0], chptr->chname, "Left all channels"); if (MyConnect(sptr)) RunHook4(HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_PART, cptr, sptr, chptr, "Left all channels"); remove_user_from_channel(sptr, chptr); } sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, parv[0], MSG_JOIN, TOK_JOIN, "0"); continue; } if (MyConnect(sptr)) { /* ** local client is first to enter previously nonexistant ** channel so make them (rightfully) the Channel ** Operator. */ /* Where did this come from? Potvin ? --Stskeeps flags = (ChannelExists(name)) ? CHFL_DEOPPED : CHFL_CHANOWNER; */ flags = (ChannelExists(name)) ? CHFL_DEOPPED : CHFL_CHANOP; if (!IsAnOper(sptr)) /* opers can join unlimited chans */ if (sptr->user->joined >= MAXCHANNELSPERUSER) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str (ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS), me.name, parv[0], name); RET(0) } /* RESTRICTCHAN */ if (conf_deny_channel) { if (!IsOper(sptr) && !IsULine(sptr)) { ConfigItem_deny_channel *d; if ((d = Find_channel_allowed(name))) { if (d->warn) { sendto_snomask(SNO_EYES, "*** %s tried to join forbidden channel %s", get_client_name(sptr, 1), name); } if (d->reason) sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s %s :*** Can not join %s: %s", me.name, IsWebTV(sptr) ? "PRIVMSG" : "NOTICE", sptr->name, name, d->reason); if (d->redirect) { sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s %s :*** Redirecting you to %s", me.name, IsWebTV(sptr) ? "PRIVMSG" : "NOTICE", sptr->name, d->redirect); parv[0] = sptr->name; parv[1] = d->redirect; do_join(cptr, sptr, 2, parv); } continue; } } } /* ugly set::spamfilter::virus-help-channel-deny hack.. */ if (SPAMFILTER_VIRUSCHANDENY && SPAMFILTER_VIRUSCHAN && !strcasecmp(name, SPAMFILTER_VIRUSCHAN) && !IsAnOper(sptr) && !spamf_ugly_vchanoverride) { int invited = 0; Link *lp; aChannel *chptr = find_channel(name, NULL); if (chptr) { for (lp = sptr->user->invited; lp; lp = lp->next) if (lp->value.chptr == chptr) invited = 1; } if (!invited) { sendnotice(sptr, "*** Cannot join '%s' because it's the virus-help-channel which is " "reserved for infected users only", name); continue; } } } chptr = get_channel(sptr, name, CREATE); if (chptr && (lp = find_membership_link(sptr->user->channel, chptr))) continue; if (!chptr) continue; i = HOOK_CONTINUE; if (!MyConnect(sptr)) flags = CHFL_DEOPPED; else { Hook *h; for (h = Hooks[HOOKTYPE_PRE_LOCAL_JOIN]; h; h = h->next) { i = (*(h->func.intfunc))(sptr,chptr,parv); if (i == HOOK_DENY || i == HOOK_ALLOW) break; } /* Denied, get out now! */ if (i == HOOK_DENY) { /* Rejected... if we just created a new chan we should destroy it too. -- Syzop */ if (!chptr->users) sub1_from_channel(chptr); continue; } /* If they are allowed, don't check can_join */ if (i != HOOK_ALLOW && (i = can_join(cptr, sptr, chptr, key, link, parv))) { if (i != -1) sendto_one(sptr, err_str(i), me.name, parv[0], name); continue; } #ifdef JOINTHROTTLE cmodej_increase_usercounter(cptr, chptr); #endif } join_channel(chptr, cptr, sptr, flags); } RET(0) #undef RET }

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