Konu: ÖzeL KabuL
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Alt 12 Ekim 2016, 16:18   #3
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Cevap: ÖzeL KabuL

Serazad Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
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Securequery ;[read write data/setting.ini] alias _vr { if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini } return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2 } alias _vw { if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini } writeini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2 $$3- } alias _vrem { if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini } remini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2 } alias -l sqo { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { return [x] } else { return } } alias -l sqf { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == off) { return [x] } else { return } } alias secure.query { if ($version < 5.91) { echo -a 4This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , please upgrade to latest mIRC
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
beep | halt } if ($dialog(querycon) == $null) { dialog -m querycon querycon } } alias secure.query.nick { if ($version < 5.91) { echo -a 4This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , please upgrade to latest mIRC
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
beep | halt } dialog -m $_vr(querycon,query.nick) querycon1 _vrem querycon lastmsg } dialog querycon1 { title "Geveze Özel Kabul Sistemi" size -1 -1 160 81 option dbu box "", 33, 7 14 146 42 button "Kabul", 28, 9 62 25 10, disable default ok button "ignore", 26, 36 62 25 10, disable button "Reddet", 27, 63 62 25 10, disable edit "", 1, 32 21 119 10, read autohs edit "", 30, 32 31 119 10, read autohs edit "", 29, 32 41 119 10, read autohs check "Query Kabul Aktif", 31, 10 6 70 7 button "Ayarlar" 2, 92 63 21 8 button "Yetki Ekle", 3, 114 63 37 8, disable box "", 4, 7 57 146 18 text "Nick", 5, 9 22 10 8 text "Adres", 6, 9 32 19 8 text "Mesaj", 7, 9 42 21 8 text "", 8, 130 5 27 8, right text "", 9, 76 5 53 8, right } dialog querycon { title "Özel Kabul" size -1 -1 167 119 option dbu button "Tamam", 12, 70 104 25 10, default ok tab "Düzenle", 2, 2 1 163 115 edit "", 3, 4 43 159 10, tab 2 autohs text "Bekleme Mesajı", 13, 4 35 44 7, tab 2 edit "", 4, 4 60 159 10, tab 2 autohs check "Aktif", 15, 11 83 32 10, tab 2 button "Ses Seç", 16, 45 83 37 10, tab 2 box "Query Kabul İçin Alarm", 17, 8 75 80 22, tab 2 edit "", 208, 107 79 17 9, tab 2 button "-", 206, 99 81 6 6, tab 2 text "saniye", 210, 135 80 20 7, tab 2 box "Otomatik Kapan", 209, 95 71 63 30, tab 2 button "+", 207, 126 81 6 6, tab 2 text "Red Mesajı", 14, 4 53 44 7, tab 2 check "Query Kabul Aktif", 33, 11 20 66 10, tab 2 check "Kullanıcıya Haber Ver", 49, 92 20 66 10, tab 2 check "Oto-Kapanış Aktif", 50, 99 89 58 10, tab 2 box "", 51, 7 15 154 18, tab 2 tab "Loglar", 11 list 34, 7 20 42 50, tab 11 sort size hsbar button "Sil", 35, 7 73 29 8, tab 11 button "Kopyala", 39, 131 72 29 8, tab 11 check "Query İsteklerini Tut", 43, 7 95 58 10, tab 11 edit "", 52, 86 84 74 10, tab 11 autohs button "Yetki Ekle", 53, 48 85 37 8, tab 11 edit "", 64, 54 21 106 50, tab 11 read multi vsbar button "Hepsini Sil", 65, 7 83 29 8, tab 11 tab "Koruma", 32 radio "Geçerli Mask *!*@*", 211, 15 42 62 12, tab 32 radio "Hostu İgnore Et", 212, 15 56 62 9, tab 32 box "Query Flood İgnore Şekli", 213, 11 34 70 34, tab 32 edit "", 214, 87 54 10 10, tab 32 check "Aktif", 219, 89 42 40 10, tab 32 box "Query Flood Koruması", 216, 85 34 70 34, tab 32 edit "", 217, 125 54 15 10, tab 32 text "İstekler", 215, 99 56 24 7, tab 32 text "saniye", 218, 141 55 17 7, tab 32 tab "Yetki", 40 list 41, 11 42 146 50, tab 40 sort size hsbar button "Sil", 42, 12 96 37 8, disable tab 40 text "Yetki Listesi", 44, 12 34 29 8, tab 40 edit "", 45, 26 19 106 10, tab 40 autohs button "Ekle", 46, 134 20 29 8, disable tab 40 text "Adres", 47, 6 20 19 8, tab 40 tab "Bilgi", 54 box "", 55, 30 23 106 70, tab 54 text "Yazar:", 56, 60 31 17 8, tab 54 text "Version", 58, 60 42 17 8, tab 54 link "Admin@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...].NET", 59, 56 80 59 8, tab 54 text "Kardelen", 60, 84 31 22 8, tab 54 text "v1.0", 61, 84 42 14 8, tab 54 text "Kullanımı : Ozelinize Gelen Mesajları Kabul\Red etme menusu cıkartıyor karsınıza accepted kabul etmektedir , decline ise red. -Deathwave-", 63, 34 55 97 20, tab 54 } on *:dialog:*:init:*:{ if ($dialog(querycon) == $dname) { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { did -c querycon 33 } elseif ($_vr(querycon,switch) == $null) { _vw querycon switch on | did -c querycon 33 } if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.host) == $null) { _vw querycon ignore.host on | _vw querycon ignore.uni off } if ($_vr(querycon,decline) == $null) { _vw querycon decline Sorry, I have declined your query, please try a more convient time. } if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == on) && ($_vr(querycon,ignore.host) == off) { did -c querycon 211 1 } else did -c querycon 212 1 did -o querycon 3 1 $_vr(querycon,standby) did -o querycon 4 1 $_vr(querycon,decline) if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) == on) { did -c querycon 15 } if ($_vr(querycon,timer) == $null) { _vw querycon timer 240 } did -o querycon 208 1 $_vr(querycon,timer) if ($_vr(querycon,max.query) == $null) { _vw querycon max.query 5 | did -o querycon 214 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query) } else did -o querycon 214 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query) if ($_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) == $null) { _vw querycon max.query.sec 20 | did -o querycon 217 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) } else did -o querycon 217 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) == on) did -c querycon 219 else did -b querycon 211,217,212,214 if ($_vr(querycon,log) == on) { did -c querycon 43 } elseif ($_vr(querycon,log) == $null) { _vw querycon log on | did -c querycon 43 } if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == on) { did -c querycon 49 } elseif ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == $null) { _vw querycon notifyaccess on | did -c querycon 49 } if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) == on) { did -c querycon 50 } did -b querycon 46,42 nick.list s.levels did -z querycon 34 } if ($dialog($dname) == $_vr(querycon,query.nick)) { if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) == on) { %qs.nick = $_vr(querycon,query.nick) | .timer 1 $sq_t close.qw } } } on *:dialog:querycon:edit:*:{ if ($did == 3) { if ($did(querycon,3).text != $null) { _vw querycon standby $did(querycon,3).text } } if ($did == 4) { if ($did(querycon,4).text != $null) { _vw querycon decline $did(querycon,4).text } } if ($did == 45) { if ($did(querycon,45).text != $null) { did -e querycon 46 } elseif ($did(querycon,45).text == $null) { did -b querycon 46 } } if ($did == 208) { if ($did(querycon,208).text != $null) { _vw querycon timer $did(querycon,208).text } } if ($did == 214) { if ($did(querycon,214).text != $null) { _vw querycon max.query $did(querycon,214).text } } if ($did == 217) { if ($did(querycon,217).text != $null) { _vw querycon max.query.sec $did(querycon,217).text } } } on *:dialog:*:sclick:*:{ if (Query request $dname == $dialog($dname).title) { if ($did == 2) { secure.query } if ($did == 3) { auser -a securequery $address($did(1,$did(1)),3) $did(1,$did(1)) | did -b $did(1,$did(1)) 3 if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == on) { if ($server != $null) { .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [Görüsme Talebi] izin almalısınız. } } } if ($did == 27) { .ignore -pu180 $did(30,$did(30)) | .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [Görüsme Talebi] $_vr(querycon,decline) | dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) } if ($did == 28) { .ignore -r $address($did(1,$did(1)),2) | query $did(1,$did(1)) | .timer -m 1 1 echo $did(1,$did(1)) < $+ $did(1,$did(1)) $+ > $did(29,$did(29)) | _vrem querycon lastmsg if ($server != $null) { .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [Görüsme Talebi] Görüsme Talebiniz Kabul Edildi. } dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) } if ($did == 26) { .ignore -p $address($did(1,$did(1)),3) | dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) } if ($did == 31) { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) != on) { _vw querycon switch on } else { _vw querycon switch off } } } if ($dialog(querycon) == $dname) { if ($did == 15) { if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) != on) { _vw querycon soundswitch on | did -c querycon 15 } else { _vw querycon soundswitch off | did -u querycon 15 } } if ($did == 16) { setquerysound } if ($did == 206) { if (%timer > 0) { dec %timer 1 | did -o querycon 208 1 %timer | _vw querycon timer %timer } } if ($did == 207) { inc %timer 1 | did -o querycon 208 1 %timer | _vw querycon timer %timer } if ($did == 39) { clipboard < $+ $did(34,$did(34).sel) $+ > $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),msg) } if ($did == 34) { did -r querycon 64 | did -a querycon 64 $chr(91) $+ $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),date) $+ $chr(93) | did -a querycon 64 $crlf $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),msg) | did -o querycon 52 1 $_vr(securequery,$did(34,$did(34).sel))) } if ($did == 33) { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) != on) { _vw querycon switch on } else { _vw querycon switch off } } if ($did == 35) { write -ds $+ $did(34,$did(34).sel) securequery\names.txt | _vrem securequery $did(34,$did(34).sel)) | .timer -m 1 1 nick.list } if ($did == 41) { did -e querycon 42,46 | did -o querycon 45 1 $did(41,$did(41).sel)) } if ($did == 42) { ruser $did(41,$did(41).sel) | s.levels } if ($did == 43) { if ($_vr(querycon,log) != on) { _vw querycon log on | did -c querycon 43 } else { _vw querycon log off } } if ($did == 50) { if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) != on) { _vw querycon auto-close on | did -c querycon 50 } else { _vw querycon auto-close off } } if ($did == 53) { if ($did(querycon,52).text != $null) { .auser -a securequery $did(querycon,52).text | did -r querycon 52 } } if ($did == 49) { if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) != on) { _vw querycon notifyaccess on | did -c querycon 49 } else { _vw querycon notifyaccess off } } if ($did == 46) { if ($did(querycon,45).text != $null) { .auser -a securequery $did(querycon,45).text | did -r querycon 45 | s.levels } } if ($did == 65) { .remove securequery\names.txt | .remove securequery\logs.ini | did -r querycon 64,34,52 } if ($did == 211) { if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == off) { _vw querycon ignore.uni on | _vw querycon ignore.host off | did -c querycon 211 | did -u querycon 212 } else { _vw querycon ignore.uni off | _vw querycon ignore.host on | did -u querycon 211 | did -c querycon 212 } } if ($did == 212) { if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.host) == off) { _vw querycon ignore.host on | _vw querycon ignore.uni off | did -c querycon 212 | did -u querycon 211 } else { _vw querycon ignore.host off | _vw querycon ignore.uni on | did -u querycon 212 | did -c querycon 211 } } if ($did == 219) { if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) == off) { _vw querycon netflood on | did -c querycon 219 | did -e querycon 211,217,212,214 } else { _vw querycon netflood off | did -u querycon 219 | did -b querycon 211,217,212,214 } } } } alias -l sr { if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini } return $readini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2 } alias -l sw { if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini } writeini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2 $$3- } alias -l srem { if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini } remini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2 } on ^*:open:?: { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == $null) { _vw querycon switch on } if ($finddir($mircdir\,securequery*,1) == $null) { mkdir securequery } if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) != on) { inc %upflood15 1 if (%upflood15 > $_vr(querycon,max.query)) { if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == on) { .ignore -pu $+ $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) *!*@* } else { .ignore -pu $+ $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) $wildsite } echo -a 4[ ALERT ] $nick is Query Flooding. User ( $+ $wildsite $+ ) now ignored for $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) secs. } .timer 1 60 unset %upflood15 } if ($_vr(querycon,standby) == $null) { _vw querycon standby görüsme isteginiz suanda degerlendiriliyor .. } if ($level($address($nick,3)) == securequery) { goto end } if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Global) { goto end } if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Nickserv) { goto end } if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Chanserv) { goto end } if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Memoserv) { goto end } if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) == on) { if ($_vr(querycon,sound) != $null) { splay $_vr(querycon,sound) } } echo -a $+ $colour(notice) $+ %GLCBilisim Size Query Açan nick; [ $nick ] echo -a $+ $colour(notice) $+ %GLCBilisim Konuşma Talebine Cevap bekleniyor... if ($_vr(querycon,log) == on) { if ($read(securequery\names.txt, w, $nick) == $nick) { write -ds $+ $nick securequery\names.txt } sw $nick date $asctime(h:nn:sstt m/d) | sw $nick msg $strip($1-,burc) | write securequery/names.txt $nick | _vw securequery $nick $wildsite | nick.list } .msg $nick [Görüsme Talebi] $_vr(querycon,standby) _vw querycon query.nick $nick if ($dialog($nick) == $null) { secure.query.nick } dialog -t $_vr(querycon,query.nick) Query request $nick did -o $nick 1 1 $_vr(querycon,query.nick) .ignore -pu120 $wildsite whosqial $nick did -o $nick 9 1 ( $+ $network $+ ) did -o $nick 30 1 updating... did -o $nick 29 1 $strip($1-,burc) did -o $nick 8 1 $asctime(hh:nntt) if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { did -c $nick 31 } haltdef :end } } #sqialud off raw 352:*: { if ($dialog($6) != $null) { did -o $6 30 1 *!* $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | did -e $6 26,28,3,27 | .timer 1 5 .disable #sqialud | haltdef } else { if ($dialog($6) != $null) { did -e $6 26,28,3,27 | .timer 1 5 .disable #sqialud | halt } } halt } raw 315:*: { halt } #sqialud end alias -l whosqial { .enable #sqialud | .who $$1 } alias -l secure.dir { mkdir " $+ $mircdirsecurequery $+ \ $+ " return securequery $+ \ } alias -l sq_t { return $_vr(querycon,timer) } alias -l nick.list { if ($dialog(querycon) != $null) { did -r querycon 64,34,52 var %fst = $lines(securequery\names.txt) var %f = 1 while (%f <= %fst) { did -a querycon 34 $read(securequery\names.txt,%f) | inc %f 1 } } } alias -l s.levels { did -r querycon 41 var %s.l = $ulist(*,securequery,0) if (%s.l == 0) { did -b querycon 42 | return } else did -e querycon 42 var %s.w = 0 :loop inc %s.w if (%s.w <= %s.l) { did -a querycon 41 $ulist(*,securequery,%s.w) | goto loop } else return } alias -l close.qw { if ($dialog(%qs.nick) != $null) dialog -x %qs.nick } alias -l setquerysound { _vw querycon sound $$dir="Choose a wav:" $mircdir*.wav;*mp3;*.mid }

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Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
® Extralar .Query Kabul Sistemi ..:[Securequery]: ... ..Düzenle:secure.query ..Açık $sqo: _vw querycon switch on | echo %GLCBilisim 4Query Kabul Sistemi Açıldı ..Kapalı $sqf: _vw querycon switch off | echo %GLCBilisim 4Query Kabul Sistemi kapatıldı. %dost -

tşk ederim lakin benim verdiğim özel kabul sistemi değil bu benim vermiş olduğumu çalıştırmak istiyorum

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