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Alt 14 Nisan 2007, 20:41   #1
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Local Host'a ASP Server Kurulum

local'e asp server kurulumunda tavsite edecegim program

Baby ASP Web Server Version 2.7.2

This program was build as an alternative for Microsoft's IIS. The main goal was to design a simple web server with support for ASP. Setting up Baby ASP Web Server is very easy: copy the executable to a directory of your choice, set the directory of your webpages and it's ready to run!

- Multi threaded.
- Real time server log.
- Configure directory for webpages (same for all connections).
- Configure default HTML page.
- Support for GET, POST, and HEAD methods (form processing).
- Sends directory listing if default HTML is not found in directory.
- Native ASP support (Request, Response, Server, QueryString and Form collections, Session, etc).
- Cookie support (including 'arrays' and enumeration!).
- SSI (Server Side Includes) support.
- Statistics: total connections, successful and failed requests and more.
- limit: 5 simultaneous connections.

Download Adresi
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

Kullanimi gayet basit'tir arsivdosyasini indirdikten sonra babyweb.exe 'yi tikliyoruz.

Yukardaki seceneklerden START tikliyoruz
en son yapmamiz gerenkler ise ;

Listen on port : 80 yerine 90 yazacagiz
Web Pages : .asp web dosyalarimiz pc'imizin hangi dizininde bulunduruyorusak o dizini secegiz
Default Page : burayada index.html , main.asp
( indexleyeceginiz sayfa hangisiyse onu yaziyoruz )

bu kadar.

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