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Alt 25 Nisan 2007, 07:46   #5
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Cevap: /* Yuzukchat.Net IRC(d) Dosyaları */


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/* * Unreal Internet Relay Chat Daemon, src/modules/m_oper.c * (C) 2000-2001 Carsten V. Munk and the UnrealIRCd Team * Moved to modules by Fish (Justin Hammond) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "sys.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "msg.h" #include "channel.h" #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include "h.h" #include "proto.h" #include "inet.h" #ifdef STRIPBADWORDS #include "badwords.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include "version.h" #endif DLLFUNC int m_oper(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]); /* Place includes here */ #define MSG_OPER "OPER" /* OPER */ #define TOK_OPER ";" /* 59 */ typedef struct oper_oflag_ { unsigned long oflag; long* umode; /* you just HAD to make them variables */ char** host; char* announce; } oper_oflag_t; static oper_oflag_t oper_oflags[10]; static void init_operflags() { oper_oflags[0].oflag = OFLAG_NETADMIN; oper_oflags[0].umode = &UMODE_NETADMIN; oper_oflags[0].host = &netadmin_host; oper_oflags[0].announce = "is now a network administrator (N)"; oper_oflags[1].oflag = OFLAG_SADMIN; oper_oflags[1].umode = &UMODE_SADMIN; oper_oflags[1].host = &sadmin_host; oper_oflags[1].announce = "is now a services administrator (a)"; oper_oflags[2].oflag = OFLAG_ADMIN; oper_oflags[2].umode = &UMODE_ADMIN; oper_oflags[2].host = &admin_host; oper_oflags[2].announce = "is now a server admin (A)"; oper_oflags[3].oflag = OFLAG_COADMIN; oper_oflags[3].umode = &UMODE_COADMIN; oper_oflags[3].host = &coadmin_host; oper_oflags[3].announce = "is now a IRC administrator (C)"; oper_oflags[4].oflag = OFLAG_ISGLOBAL; oper_oflags[4].umode = &UMODE_OPER; oper_oflags[4].host = &oper_host; oper_oflags[4].announce = "is now an operator (O)"; oper_oflags[5].oflag = OFLAG_HELPOP; oper_oflags[5].umode = &UMODE_HELPOP; oper_oflags[5].host = NULL; oper_oflags[5].announce = NULL; oper_oflags[6].oflag= OFLAG_GLOBOP; oper_oflags[6].umode = &UMODE_FAILOP; oper_oflags[6].host = NULL; oper_oflags[6].announce = NULL; oper_oflags[7].oflag = OFLAG_WALLOP; oper_oflags[7].umode = &UMODE_WALLOP; oper_oflags[7].host = NULL; oper_oflags[7].announce = NULL; oper_oflags[8].oflag = OFLAG_WHOIS; oper_oflags[8].umode = &UMODE_WHOIS; oper_oflags[8].host = NULL; oper_oflags[8].announce = NULL; oper_oflags[9].oflag = 0; oper_oflags[9].umode = NULL; oper_oflags[9].host = NULL; oper_oflags[9].announce = NULL; } ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER(m_oper) = { "oper", /* Name of module */ "$Id: m_oper.c,v 2005/03/13 21:03:14 syzop Exp $", /* Version */ "command /oper", /* Short description of module */ "3.2-b8-1", NULL }; /* This is called on module init, before Server Ready */ DLLFUNC int MOD_INIT(m_oper)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { /* * We call our add_Command crap here */ add_Command(MSG_OPER, TOK_OPER, m_oper, MAXPARA); MARK_AS_OFFICIAL_MODULE(modinfo); return MOD_SUCCESS; } /* Is first run when server is 100% ready */ DLLFUNC int MOD_LOAD(m_oper)(int module_load) { init_operflags(); return MOD_SUCCESS; } /* Called when module is unloaded */ DLLFUNC int MOD_UNLOAD(m_oper)(int module_unload) { if (del_Command(MSG_OPER, TOK_OPER, m_oper) < 0) { sendto_realops("Failed to delete commands when unloading %s", MOD_HEADER(m_oper).name); } return MOD_SUCCESS; } /* ** m_oper ** parv[0] = sender prefix ** parv[1] = oper name ** parv[2] = oper password */ DLLFUNC int m_oper(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]) { ConfigItem_oper *aconf; ConfigItem_oper_from *oper_from; char *name, *password, nuhhost[NICKLEN+USERLEN+HOSTLEN+6], nuhhost2[NICKLEN+USERLEN+HOSTLEN+6]; char* host = 0; int i = 0, j = 0; char* announce = 0; if (!MyClient(sptr)) return 0; if (parc < 3) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS), me.name, parv[0], "OPER"); return 0; } if (SVSNOOP) { sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s %s :*** This server is in NOOP mode, you cannot /oper", me.name, IsWebTV(sptr) ? "PRIVMSG" : "NOTICE", sptr->name); return 0; } if (IsAnOper(sptr)) { sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_YOUREOPER), me.name, parv[0]); return 0; } name = parv[1]; password = parv[2]; if (!(aconf = Find_oper(name))) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOOPERHOST), me.name, parv[0]); sendto_realops ("Failed OPER attempt by %s (%s@%s) [unknown oper]", parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost); ircd_log(LOG_OPER, "OPER UNKNOWNOPER (%s) by (%s!%s@%s)", name, parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost); sptr->since += 7; return 0; } strlcpy(nuhhost, make_user_host(sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost), sizeof(nuhhost)); strlcpy(nuhhost2, make_user_host(sptr->user->username, Inet_ia2p(&sptr->ip)), sizeof(nuhhost2)); for (oper_from = (ConfigItem_oper_from *) aconf->from; oper_from; oper_from = (ConfigItem_oper_from *) oper_from->next) if (!match(oper_from->name, nuhhost) || !match(oper_from->name, nuhhost2)) break; if (!oper_from) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOOPERHOST), me.name, parv[0]); sendto_realops ("Failed OPER attempt by %s (%s@%s) [host doesnt match]", parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost); ircd_log(LOG_OPER, "OPER NOHOSTMATCH (%s) by (%s!%s@%s)", name, parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost); sptr->since += 7; return 0; } i = Auth_Check(cptr, aconf->auth, password); if (i > 1) { int old = (sptr->umodes & ALL_UMODES); if (aconf->maxlogins && (count_oper_sessions(aconf->name) >= aconf->maxlogins)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOOPERHOST), me.name, parv[0]); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :Your maximum number of concurrent oper logins has been reached (%d)", me.name, sptr->name, aconf->maxlogins); sendto_realops ("Failed OPER attempt by %s (%s@%s) [maxlogins reached]", parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost); ircd_log(LOG_OPER, "OPER TOOMANYLOGINS (%s) by (%s!%s@%s)", name, parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost); sptr->since += 4; return 0; } if (sptr->user->operlogin) MyFree(sptr->user->operlogin); sptr->user->operlogin = strdup(aconf->name); /* Put in the right class */ if (sptr->class) sptr->class->clients--; sptr->class = aconf->class; sptr->class->clients++; sptr->oflag = 0; if (aconf->swhois) { if (sptr->user->swhois) MyFree(sptr->user->swhois); sptr->user->swhois = MyMalloc(strlen(aconf->swhois) +1); strcpy(sptr->user->swhois, aconf->swhois); sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SWHOIS, TOK_SWHOIS, "%s :%s", sptr->name, aconf->swhois); } /* new oper code */ if (aconf->modes) sptr->umodes |= aconf->modes; else sptr->umodes |= OPER_MODES; /* handle oflags that trigger umodes */ while(oper_oflags[j].umode) { if(aconf->oflags & oper_oflags[j].oflag) { /* we match this oflag */ if (!announce && oper_oflags[j].announce) { /* we haven't matched an oper_type yet */ host = *oper_oflags[j].host; /* set the iNAH host */ announce = oper_oflags[j].announce; /* set the announcement */ } sptr->umodes |= *oper_oflags[j].umode; /* add the umode for this oflag */ } j++; } sptr->oflag = aconf->oflags; if ((aconf->oflags & OFLAG_HIDE) && iNAH && !BadPtr(host)) { char *c; char *vhost = host; if ((c = strchr(host, '@'))) { vhost = c+1; strncpy(sptr->user->username, host, c-host); sptr->user->username[c-host] = 0; sendto_serv_butone_token(NULL, sptr->name, MSG_SETIDENT, TOK_SETIDENT, "%s", sptr->user->username); } iNAH_host(sptr, vhost); SetHidden(sptr); } else if (IsHidden(sptr) && !sptr->user->virthost) { /* +x has just been set by modes-on-oper and iNAH is off */ sptr->user->virthost = (char *)make_virthost(sptr->user->realhost, sptr->user->virthost, 1); } if (!IsOper(sptr)) { sptr->umodes |= UMODE_LOCOP; if ((aconf->oflags & OFLAG_HIDE) && iNAH && !BadPtr(locop_host)) { iNAH_host(sptr, locop_host); SetHidden(sptr); } sendto_ops("%s (%s@%s) is now a local operator (o)", parv[0], sptr->user->username, GetHost(sptr)); } if (announce != NULL) sendto_snomask_global(SNO_OPER, "%s (%s@%s) [%s] %s", parv[0], sptr->user->username, GetHost(sptr), parv[1], announce); if (aconf->snomask) set_snomask(sptr, aconf->snomask); else set_snomask(sptr, OPER_SNOMASK); if (sptr->user->snomask) { sptr->user->snomask |= SNO_SNOTICE; /* set +s if needed */ sptr->umodes |= UMODE_SERVNOTICE; } /* This is for users who have both 'admin' and 'coadmin' in their conf */ if (IsCoAdmin(sptr) && IsAdmin(sptr)) { sptr->umodes &= ~UMODE_COADMIN; sptr->oflag &= ~OFLAG_COADMIN; } send_umode_out(cptr, sptr, old); sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_SNOMASK), me.name, parv[0], get_sno_str(sptr)); #ifndef NO_FDLIST addto_fdlist(sptr->slot, &oper_fdlist); #endif RunHook2(HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_OPER, sptr, 1); sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_YOUREOPER), me.name, parv[0]); if (IsInvisible(sptr) && !(old & UMODE_INVISIBLE)) IRCstats.invisible++; if (IsOper(sptr) && !IsHideOper(sptr)) IRCstats.operators++; if (SHOWOPERMOTD == 1) do_cmd(cptr, sptr, "OPERMOTD", parc, parv); if (!BadPtr(OPER_AUTO_JOIN_CHANS) && strcmp(OPER_AUTO_JOIN_CHANS, "0")) { char *chans[3] = { sptr->name, OPER_AUTO_JOIN_CHANS, NULL }; do_cmd(cptr, sptr, "JOIN", 3, chans); } ircd_log(LOG_OPER, "OPER (%s) by (%s!%s@%s)", name, parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost); } if (i == -1) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH), me.name, parv[0]); if (FAILOPER_WARN) sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s %s :*** Your attempt has been logged.", me.name, IsWebTV(sptr) ? "PRIVMSG" : "NOTICE", sptr->name); ircd_log(LOG_OPER, "OPER FAILEDAUTH (%s) by (%s!%s@%s)", name, parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost); sendto_realops ("Failed OPER attempt by %s (%s@%s) using UID %s [FAILEDAUTH]", parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost, name); sendto_serv_butone(&me, ":%s GLOBOPS :Failed OPER attempt by %s (%s@%s) using UID %s [---]", me.name, parv[0], sptr->user->username, sptr->sockhost, name); sptr->since += 7; } /* Belay that order, number One. (-2) */ return 0; }

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