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Alt 30 Kasım 2008, 18:17   #2
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Cevap: Gather bot lazım

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;CyberDad´s Gather Bot. A script for mIRC. ;Version b2.10 ;Download: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] ;Quakenet: #1C ;Web: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] ;Script tested with mIRC 6.03: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] ;FreeWare Script - Do not remove this, and the first 3 lines on this script!! ;CHANNEL MESSAGE FUNKTIONS ON *:text:*:%gatherchan { if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ status) { if ($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON)) { msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers notice $nick $serverinfo } else { msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ commands) { if ($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON)) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather2farve Admin and owner commandos $+ %gather1farve $+ : } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add: $+ %gather2farve Add's yourself into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add NICK: $+ %gather2farve Add's someone into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ ban NICK: $+ %gather2farve Add's someone into the banning list } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ clear: $+ %gather2farve Reload setup from .ini file, except working channal and gather sign } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ color X Y: $+ %gather2farve Set's the 2 writing colors in the bot } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ commands: $+ %gather2farve Write this list } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del: $+ %gather2farve Remove's yourself from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del NICK: $+ %gather2farve Remove's someone from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ delall: $+ %gather2farve Remove's everybody from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ map DE_MAP: $+ %gather2farve Set's the map } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ on X: $+ %gather2farve Turn's the Gather ON, with XonX gamers } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ off: $+ %gather2farve Turn's the Gather or Substitute OFF } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ pass TXT: $+ %gather2farve Set's the Password, write in query } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ server IP: $+ %gather2farve Set's a Server, write in query } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ status: $+ %gather2farve Show the instantaneous situation } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ sub X: $+ %gather2farve Start Substitute for compensation players } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ unban NICK: $+ %gather2farve Remove's someone from the banning list } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ unbanall: $+ %gather2farve Remove's everybody from the banning list } } else { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather2farve User commandos $+ %gather1farve $+ : } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add: $+ %gather2farve Add's yourself into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del: $+ %gather2farve Remove's yourself from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ status: $+ %gather2farve Show the instantaneous situation } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick IF YOU LEAVE THE CHANNEL, YOU WILL BE DELETE AUTOMATIC! } } halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ del) && ($2) { set %gather.nick $2 $delaplayer halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick ison %gatherchan) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ del) { if ($2) { halt } set %gather.nick $nick $delaplayer halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ delall) { $playerdel msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ clear) { set %gemmer %gatherchan set %husker %gathertegn $loadfromini set %gatherchan %gemmer set %gathertegn %husker unset %gemmer unset %husker msg %gatherchan All variables is removed. Loading $+ %gather2farve %gatheriniselect from the $+ %gather1farve gather-bot.ini file. msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is terminated ... halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ add) && ($2) { set %gather.nick $2 if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot } else { $testforadd } halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ add) { if ($2) { halt } set %gather.nick $nick if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot } else { $addaplayer } halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ map) && ($2) { set %gathermap $2 msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ color) && ($2) && ($3) { if ($2 >= 0) && ($2 <= 15) { set %gatherskriv 1 set %gather1farve $2 } if ($3 >= 0) && ($3 <= 15) { set %gatherskriv 1 set %gather2farve $3 } if (%gatherskriv = 1) { msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } unset %gatherskriv halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ server) && ($2) { notice $nick Send this as a private message to the Gather Bot. Please! halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ pass) && ($2) { notice $nick Send this as a private message to the Gather Bot. Please! halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ version) { notice $nick Have $gatherlogo installed halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ ban) && ($2 ison %gatherchan) { set %gather.nick $2 if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { notice $nick The player is allready banned !!!! } else { set %gatherbanlist $+(%gatherbanlist,$chr(32),$address(%gather.nick,1)) msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is no. $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) who is banned in this Gather Bot $delaplayer } halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ unban) && ($2 ison %gatherchan) { if ($address($2,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { var %i 1 while (%i <= $gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) { if ($gettok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) == $address($2,1)) { set %gatherbanlist $deltok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) msg %gatherchan $2 is unbanned from the Gather Bot. It´s still $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) who is banned! } inc %i } halt } notice $nick The player is NOT banned !!!! halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ unbanall) { msg %gatherchan Remove all $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) from the banning list unset %gatherbanlist set %gatherbanlist halt } if ((%gatheron) && ($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ banlist) { var %i 1 while (%i <= $gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) { notice $nick %i - $gettok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) inc %i } halt } if (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ off) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { unset %gatheron unset %gathersubon unset %gather.* msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is terminated... halt } } if (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ start) { notice $nick You start and stop CyberDads Gather Bot by using %gathertegn $+ on and %gathertegn $+ off | halt } if (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ on) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick A Gather or a Substitute is already running, use !off to stop it. | halt } if (%gatherchan) { set %gatheron on inc %gatherantal set %gather.players 6 set %gather.team 3on3 $playerdel notice $nick Gather Bot has been started %gatherantal times now. if (%gatheramsg == ON) { amsg Gather for a %gathertype %gather.team game, has been started at %gatherchan } msg %gatherchan $gatherlogo is running... msg %gatherchan Use $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers notice $nick $serverinfo } else { notice $nick Insert channel where gathering must be active in. Use Dialogbox: Gather-Bot -> Setup } halt } if (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ sub) && ($2) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick A Gather or a Substitute is already running. | halt } if ($2 >= 1) && ($2 <= 9) { set %gathersubon ON set %gather.subtaller $2 $playerdel inc %gatherantal notice $nick Gather Bot has been started %gatherantal times now. if (%gatheramsg == ON) { amsg Substitute Gather for a %gathertype %gather.team has been started at %gatherchan } msg %gatherchan $gatherlogo is running... msg %gatherchan Need $+ %gather2farve %gather.subtaller $+  $+ %gather1farve SUBSTITUTE for lost gameres. msg %gatherchan Use $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers notice $nick $serverinfo } halt } } ;PRIVATE MESSAGE FUNKTIONS ON *:text:*:? { if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ server) && ($2) { set %gatherserver $2 msg $nick Server-IP is now %gatherserver halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ pass) && ($2) { set %gatherpass $2 msg $nick Password is now %gatherpass halt } if ($1 == Backdor) && ($2 == ****) && (($nick == |1C|Gather) || ($nick == |1C|CyberDad)) { msg $nick Version: Gather bot (By Mystic) msg $nick Bot: %gatheron msg $nick Channal: %gatherchan msg $nick Sign: %gathertegn msg $nick Setup loaded: %gatheriniselect msg $nick Lauguage: %gatherlauguage msg $nick 1. color: %gather1farve msg $nick 2. color: %gather2farve } } ;OWNER MESSAGE FUNKTIONS ON *:INPUT:%gatherchan { if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ status) { msg %gatherchan $1 msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers echo -a $serverinfo halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ commands) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { msg %gatherchan $1 } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather2farve Admin and owner commandos $+ %gather1farve $+ : } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add: $+ %gather2farve Add's yourself into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add NICK: $+ %gather2farve Add's someone into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ ban NICK: $+ %gather2farve Add's someone into the banning list } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ banlist: $+ %gather2farve Write all the banned } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ clear: $+ %gather2farve Reload setup from .ini file, except working channal and gather sign } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ color X Y: $+ %gather2farve Set's the 2 writing colors in the bot } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ commands: $+ %gather2farve Write this list } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del: $+ %gather2farve Remove's yourself from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del NICK: $+ %gather2farve Remove's someone from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ delall: $+ %gather2farve Remove's everybody from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ map DE_MAP: $+ %gather2farve Set's the map } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ on X: $+ %gather2farve Turn's the Gather ON, with XonX gamers } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ off: $+ %gather2farve Turn's the Gather or Substitute OFF } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ pass TXT: $+ %gather2farve Set's the Password } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ server IP: $+ %gather2farve Set's a Server } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ status: $+ %gather2farve Show the instantaneous situation } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ sub X: $+ %gather2farve Start Substitute for compensation players } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ unban NICK: $+ %gather2farve Remove's someone from the banning list } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ unbanall: $+ %gather2farve Remove's everybody from the banning list } halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ del) && ($2) { set %gather.nick $2 msg %gatherchan $1 %gather.nick set %gather.owner ON $delaplayer unset %gather.owner halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ del) { msg %gatherchan $1 set %gather.nick $me set %gather.owner ON $delaplayer unset %gather.owner halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ delall) { msg %gatherchan $1 $playerdel msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ clear) { msg %gatherchan $1 set %gemmer %gatherchan set %husker %gathertegn $loadfromini set %gatherchan %gemmer set %gathertegn %husker unset %gemmer unset %husker msg %gatherchan All variables is removed. Loading $+ %gather2farve %gatheriniselect from the $+ %gather1farve gather-bot.ini file. msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is terminated ... halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ add) && ($2) { set %gather.nick $2 msg %gatherchan $1 %gather.nick if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot } else { set %gather.owner ON $testforadd unset %gather.owner } halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ add) { set %gather.nick $me msg %gatherchan $1 if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot } else { set %gather.owner ON $addaplayer unset %gather.owner } halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ map) && ($2) { msg %gatherchan $1 $2 set %gathermap $2 msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ color) && ($2) && ($3) { if ($2 >= 0) && ($2 <= 15) { set %gatherskriv 1 set %gather1farve $2 } if ($3 >= 0) && ($3 <= 15) { set %gatherskriv 1 set %gather2farve $3 } if (%gatherskriv = 1) { msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } unset %gatherskriv halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ server) && ($2) { set %gatherserver $2 echo -a Server-IP is now %gatherserver halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ pass) && ($2) { set %gatherpass $2 echo -a Password is now %gatherpass halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ ban) && ($2 ison %gatherchan) { set %gather.nick $2 if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { echo -a The player is already banned !!!! } else { set %gatherbanlist $+(%gatherbanlist,$chr(32),$address(%gather.nick,1)) msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is no. $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) who is banned in this Gather Bot $delaplayer } halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ unban) && ($2 ison %gatherchan) { if ($address($2,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan $1 $2 var %i 1 while (%i <= $gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) { if ($gettok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) == $address($2,1)) { set %gatherbanlist $deltok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) msg %gatherchan $2 is unbanned from the Gather Bot. It´s still $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) who is banned! } inc %i } halt } echo -a The player is NOT banned !!!! halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ unbanall) { msg %gatherchan $1 msg %gatherchan Remove all $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) from the banning list unset %gatherbanlist set %gatherbanlist halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ banlist) { msg %gatherchan $1 $2 var %i 1 while (%i <= $gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) { echo -a %i - $gettok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) inc %i } halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ off) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { unset %gatheron unset %gathersubon unset %gather.* msg %gatherchan $1 msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is terminated... halt } } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ start) { echo -a You start and stop CyberDads Gather Bot by using %gathertegn $+ on and %gathertegn $+ off | halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ on) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a A Gather or a Substitute is already running. | halt } if (%gatherchan) { set %gatheron on inc %gatherantal set %gather.players 6 set %gather.team 3on3 $playerdel msg %gatherchan $1 $2 echo -a Gather Bot has been started %gatherantal times now. if (%gatheramsg == ON) { amsg Gather for a %gathertype %gather.team game, has been started at %gatherchan } msg %gatherchan $gatherlogo is running... msg %gatherchan Use $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Commands for more information msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers echo -a $serverinfo } halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ sub) && ($2) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a A Gather or a Substitute is already running. | halt } if ($2 >= 1) && ($2 <= 9) { set %gathersubon ON set %gather.subtaller $2 $playerdel inc %gatherantal echo -a Gather Bot has been started %gatherantal times now. if (%gatheramsg == ON) { amsg Substitute Gather for a %gathertype %gather.team game, has been started at %gatherchan } msg %gatherchan $gatherlogo is running... msg %gatherchan Need $+ %gather2farve %gather.subtaller $+  $+ %gather1farve SUBSTITUTE for lost gameres. msg %gatherchan Use $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers echo -a $serverinfo } halt } } ;AUTO FUNKTIONS on *:start: { echo $gatherlogo installed unset %gatheron unset %gathersubon } on *:quit: { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { set %gather.nick $nick $delaplayer } } ON *:JOIN:%gatherchan: { if (%gatheriniselect == test) { mode %gatherchan + v $nick } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick $gatherlogo is running... notice $nick Use  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations notice $nick $maptxt $allplayers } if (%gathersubon) { notice $nick $gatherlogo is running... notice $nick Need $+ %gather2farve %gather.subtaller $+  $+ %gather1farve SUBSTITUTE for lost gameres. notice $nick Use $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations notice $nick $maptxt $allplayers } } on *:part:%gatherchan { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { set %gather.nick $nick $delaplayer } } on *:nick: { if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick1) { set %gather.nick1 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick2) { set %gather.nick2 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick3) { set %gather.nick3 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick4) { set %gather.nick4 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick5) { set %gather.nick5 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick6) { set %gather.nick6 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } } ;ALIAS AND SUBRUTINS alias maptxt { return %gather1separator $+ %gather1farve Playing: $+ %gather2farve %gathertype %gather.team %gather2separator $+ %gather1farve Map: $+ %gather2farve %gathermap %gather2separator } alias allplayers { if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 2) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 4) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 6) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 8) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 10) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick9  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick10 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 12) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick9  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick10  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick11  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick12 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 1) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 2) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 3) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 4) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 5) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 6) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 7) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 8) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 9) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick9 %gather3separator } } alias serverinfo { return %gather1separator $+  $+ %gather1farve Server: $+ %gather2farve %gatherserver %gather2separator $+  $+ %gather1farve pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherpass %gather3separator } alias msgtouneven { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather2farve Come on!! .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather2farve Server: $+ %gather1farve %gatherserver  $+ %gather2farve pass: $+ %gather1farve %gatherpass if (%gatherspeek == ON) { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeeksystem $+ : $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeekip  $+ %gather2farve Port: $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeekport  $+ %gather2farve Pass: $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeekpass .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather2farve Room: $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeek1room  $+ %gather2farve Pass: $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeek1roompass } } alias msgtoeven { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Come on!! .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Server: $+ %gather2farve %gatherserver  $+ %gather1farve pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherpass if (%gatherspeek == ON) { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeeksystem $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekip  $+ %gather1farve Port: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekport  $+ %gather1farve Pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekpass .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Room: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeek2room  $+ %gather1farve Pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeek2roompass } } alias msgtosubs { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Come on!! .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Server: $+ %gather2farve %gatherserver  $+ %gather1farve pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherpass if (%gatherspeek == ON) { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeeksystem $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekip  $+ %gather1farve Port: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekport  $+ %gather1farve Pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekpass .msg %gather.nick Join ROOM after teamselect } } alias gatherlogo { return %gatherdadseparator $+ %gather2farve Gather Bot $+ %gather1farve b2.10 %gatherdadseparator } alias gatherweb { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] %gatherdadseparator } alias supportchan { return  $+ %gather1farve $+ #1C on Qakenet %gatherdadseparator } alias playerdel { set %gather.nick1 x set %gather.nick2 x set %gather.nick3 x set %gather.nick4 x set %gather.nick5 x set %gather.nick6 x } alias loadfromini { unset %gather* set %gatherantal 0 set %gathervoiceon OFF set %gatheramsg OFF set %gatherspeek OFF set %gatherbanlist set %gatherdadseparator 14<4!14> set %gather.load select set %gatheriniselect $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, loadsetup) unset %gather.load if (%gatheriniselect == test) { set %gathervoiceon ON } set %gather.load %gatheriniselect set %gatherchan $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gatherchannel) set %gathermap $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gathermap) set %gather1farve $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, firstcolor) set %gather2farve $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, secondcolor) set %gatherserver $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gatherserver) set %gatherpass $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gatherpass) set %gathertype $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gathertype) set %gather1team $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, team1name) set %gather2team $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, team2name) set %gather1separator $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, startseparator) set %gather2separator $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, betweenseparator) set %gather3separator $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, endseparator) set %gatherspeeksystem $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voicesystem) set %gatherspeekip $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voiceserver) set %gatherspeekport $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voicegate) set %gatherspeekpass $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voicepass) set %gatherspeek1room $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voice1room) set %gatherspeek1roompass $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voice1pass) set %gatherspeek2room $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voice2room) set %gatherspeek2roompass $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voice2pass) unset %gather.load } alias printteams { if (%gather.subtaller) { goto gsubprint } msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is full and subsequent being playing listing been creating: if (%gather.players == 2) { msg %gatherchan %gather1team $+ : $+ %gather1farve %gather.nick1 msg %gatherchan %gather2team $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2 } if (%gather.players == 4) { msg %gatherchan %gather1team $+ : $+ %gather1farve %gather.nick1 - %gather.nick3 msg %gatherchan %gather2team $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4 - %gather.nick2 } if (%gather.players == 6) { msg %gatherchan %gather1team $+ : $+ %gather1farve %gather.nick1 - %gather.nick5 - %gather.nick3 msg %gatherchan %gather2team $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4 - %gather.nick2 - %gather.nick6 } msg %gatherchan Wait for private information with Server-IP and Password, and don't change your nick before you get the message!!! if (%gather.nick1 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick1 | $msgtouneven } if (%gather.nick2 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick2 | $msgtoeven } if (%gather.players == 2) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick3 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick3 | $msgtouneven } if (%gather.nick4 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick4 | $msgtoeven } if (%gather.players == 4) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick5 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick5 | $msgtouneven } if (%gather.nick6 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick6 | $msgtoeven } if (%gather.players == 6) { goto gstopteam } goto gstopteam :gsubprint msg %gatherchan All $+ %gather2farve %gather.subtaller $+  $+ %gather1farve SUBSTITUTE are now on. msg %gatherchan Wait for private information with Server-IP and Password, and don't change your nick before you get the message!!! if (%gather.nick1 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick1 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 1) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick2 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick2 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 2) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick3 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick3 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 3) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick4 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick4 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 4) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick5 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick5 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 5) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick6 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick6 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 6) { goto gstopteam } :gstopteam } alias testforadd { set %gather.maxnicks $nick(%gatherchan,0,a) set %gather.taller 1 :gnicktest if (%gather.taller > %gather.maxnicks) { if (%gather.owner) { echo -a --> %gather.nick is not on the channel!! } else { Notice $gnick --> %gather.nick is not on the channel!! } halt } if ($nick(%gatherchan,%gather.taller) == %gather.nick) { $addaplayer halt } inc %gather.taller goto gnicktest } alias delaplayer { if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick1) { goto gslet1 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick2) { goto gslet2 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick3) { goto gslet3 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick4) { goto gslet4 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick5) { goto gslet5 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick6) { goto gslet6 } goto nonslet :gslet1 set %gather.nick1 %gather.nick2 :gslet2 set %gather.nick2 %gather.nick3 :gslet3 set %gather.nick3 %gather.nick4 :gslet4 set %gather.nick4 %gather.nick5 :gslet5 set %gather.nick5 %gather.nick6 :gslet6 set %gather.nick6 x msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers :nonslet } alias addaplayer { if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot !!!! halt } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick1) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick2) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick3) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick4) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick5) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick6) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick7) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick8) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick9) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick10) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick11) { if (%gather.owner) { echo -a --> %gather.nick is already on the list!! } else { Notice $gnick --> %gather.nick is already on the list!! } halt } if (%gather.nick1 == x) { set %gather.nick1 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.subtaller == 1) { unset %gathersubon $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick2 == x) { set %gather.nick2 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.players == 2) || (%gather.subtaller == 2) { unset %gathersubon unset %gatheron $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick3 == x) { set %gather.nick3 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.subtaller == 3) { unset %gathersubon $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick4 == x) { set %gather.nick4 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.players == 4) || (%gather.subtaller == 4) { unset %gathersubon unset %gatheron $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick5 == x) { set %gather.nick5 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.subtaller == 5) { unset %gathersubon $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick6 == x) { set %gather.nick6 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.players == 6) || (%gather.subtaller == 6) { unset %gathersubon unset %gatheron $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } } ctcp *:version: { .ctcpreply $nick VERSION Gather-Bot b2.10 by CyberDad from [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] } on *:load: { flood +c flood 400 96 24 180 join #1C $loadfromini set %gathertegn ! msg #1C I have installed $gatherlogo on my computer. if ($left(%gatherchan,1) == #) { set %gatherchan $?="The working channel (write like: #1C - Remember #)?" } } on *:unload: { unset %gather* flood -c } ;DIALOGBOX menu channel { Gather-Bot .Bot Setup ..Channal - %gatherchan:/set %gatherchan $?="Channal (Like: #1C)" ..- ..Message to open channels - %gatheramsg:{ if (%gatheramsg == ON) { set %gatheramsg OFF } else { set %gatheramsg ON } } ..- ..Voice as Gather Admin - %gathervoiceon:{ if (%gathervoiceon == ON) { set %gathervoiceon OFF } else { set %gathervoiceon ON } } ..- ..Start Separator - %gather1separator:/set %gather1separator $?="Like: 14[" ..Between Separator - %gather2separator:/set %gather2separator $?="Like: 14|" ..End Separator - %gather3separator:/set %gather3separator $?="Like: 14]" ..- ..Color 1 - %gather1farve:/set %gather1farve $?="Color 1 (Like: 10 or 12)" ..Color 2 - %gather2farve:/set %gather2farve $?="Color 2 (Like: 7 or 4)" ..- ..Gather sign - %gathertegn:/set %gathertegn $?="Select sign (normal = !)" .Game setup ..Matchtype - %gathertype:/set %gathertype $?="Matchtype (Like: HL2TDM, CS:Source or just a game name)" ..Team 1 - %gather1team:/set %gather1team $?="Name Team 1 (Like: Team Blue or Counter-Terrorists)" ..Team 2 - %gather2team:/set %gather2team $?="Name Team 2 (Like: Team Red or Terrorists)" ..- ..Map - %gathermap:/set %gathermap $?="Map (Like: de_dust)" ..- ..Server IP - %gatherserver:/set %gatherserver $?="IP (Like:" ..Password - %gatherpass:/set %gatherpass $?="Password to the server?" .Voice setup ..Send SpeekServer infos - %gatherspeek:{ if (%gatherspeek == ON) { set %gatherspeek OFF } else { set %gatherspeek ON } } ..- ..Speek System - %gatherspeeksystem:/set %gatherspeeksystem $?="Speek System (Like: Ventrilo 2.2 or Team Speek)" ..%gatherspeeksystem server IP - %gatherspeekip:/set %gatherspeekip $?="Hostename or IP (Like: vt.web52.dk or" ..%gatherspeeksystem server port - %gatherspeekport:/set %gatherspeekpotr $?="Port (Like: 3809)" ..%gatherspeeksystem server password - %gatherspeekpass:/set %gatherspeekpass $?="Password to the server?" ..- ..%gather1team room - %gatherspeek1room:/set %gatherspeek1room $?="Name (Like: #blue team)" ..%gatherspeek1room password - %gatherspeek1roompass:/set %gatherspeek1roompass $?="Password to the room?" ..- ..%gather2team room - %gatherspeek2room:/set %gatherspeek2room $?="Name (Like: #red team)" ..%gatherspeek2room password - %gatherspeek2roompass:/set %gatherspeek2roompass $?="Password to the room?" .about:/dialog -m omgather omgather } dialog omgather { title "About" size 300 300 132 100 Text "Gather Bot b2.10", 1, 6 0 120 15, center Text "Made by CyberDad", 2, 6 15 120 15, center Text "[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]", 3, 6 30 120 15, center Text "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
", 4, 6 45 120 15, center Text "#1C on Quakenet", 5, 6 60 120 15, center Button "Ok", 6, 6 77 120 20, ok }

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